What We Do

Providing students and early career professionals tools and resources to succeed in STEM.




Helping early career STEM professionals learn the ropes.

 The mastery of these eight areas will prepare you to lead and contribute fully in any organization. Karrin facilitates workshops and tailors them for all ages.


Competencies are knowledge, skills and attributes that are acquired through different aspects of one's life. As you learn your job, it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the core competencies and expectations of your organization - those written and unspoken. 

Technical Proficiency

Technical skill will vary depending on your STEM career field. Building strategies to identify and pursue those opportunities to effectively demonstrate your technical capabilities is key in your career development.

Work Place Authenticity

The only variable you can control is YOU. We help early careers be more self-confident and aware with a Workplace 101 approach. We provide practical strategies and mechanisms on how to show up and have an impact.

Critical Thinking

It is important to understand situational context and logical analysis of relevant information and how it impacts your ability to contribute. We walk you through a process of how to identify and respond to the requirements of your job role/responsibilities.


No matter the work environment we find ourselves in, we need each other to be successful.  Building trust, listening, and maintaining collaborative relationships are critical to getting the work done and progressing towards a common goal.


It is imperative that we exchange information with clarity. The ability to clearly and effectively share information, ideas, data, and perspectives with folks within and outside your organization is a game changer.


Lewis Carroll said, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Knowing the lay of the land within your organization (at all levels) will help inform your decisions and work habits.

Increased Responsibility

So you want more opportunity. Are you demonstrating the skill and capabilities for the next level above you? We offer detailed process steps to help you level up, and boost the right visibility and exposure.

Need a Workshop?

We are happy to provide tailored  workshops to address these 8 key areas.  Schedule a meeting  by sending us an email to learn how we can help your workforce learn the landscape, manage expectations and emerge as leaders that will take your organization to the next level.

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